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Keep it Saucy 2024

BESOBESO BLOG 2024 - Week 2


January 7th, 2024


Sauce Pairings


Many of you have asked us what to pair our original and handcrafted sauces.  This blog (part 1 of 3) is for you!


There isn’t only one right way to use our award-winning sauces, so what this blog entry will do is provide a flavor profile for each of our sauces.  The flavor profile may serve as a starting point for you to start sampling!




This was the first sauce created for our food truck launch in NJ / NYC area.  Our award-winning Guava-Habanero BBQ sauce is both sweet and spicy and seasoned with many of the spices we use in our Cuban cuisine which makes it unique from other “BBQ” sauces, but also makes it a surprisingly delicious complement to our bowls, burritos, even on our Best Cubano Sandwich – although be forewarned, adding or dipping a Cubano Sandwich in any type of sauce would be considered heresy in some “Cuban” circles or domino tables.   And if you ARE a BBQ fanatic, don’t miss out on our BBQ Pulled Pork Sliders, or our BBQ Quesawrap – perfect for sharing as an appetizer, or have a feast all to yourself!




This makes for a great spread on our sandwiches or dipping sauce for our sandwiches and appetizers – including our shoestring or battered french fries (very european way to eat fries)! It also tastes great in our burritos… this sauce was the first sauce I created in the Bay Area so it has a special place in my heart and in our community! 


Affectionately referred to as our Cuban Crack, this mayo-based aioli with a jalapeño kick, is hard to resist… I’ve been told even eating a cable with some GTMO tastes amazing.  My fellow Cubans reading this, will appreciate the tongue in cheek reference to comiendo un cable… And for our newly initiated Cubans, stay tuned to our upcoming blog entries for more Cubanisms explained!




This mildly spicy jalapeño sauce was also food truck favorite in NYC.  It is an excellent way to kick things up a notch – especially as a lime-drenched, jalapeño infusion to our delicious black beans.  It’s also a good way to turn up the heat on our savory guacamole, and goes well with our quesadillas and grilled meats.



Lilah and I may differ on some of the ways we prefer to dress our already flavorful cuisine, but we both love to try new ways of using it on our cuisine as well as other types of cuisine, and we encourage you to also sample and experiment for yourself!

Buen Provecho,



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